BANJARMASIN - The logistics distribution for the 2020 regional head elections (Pilkada) in the Meratus Mountains area, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency, South Kalimantan must be reached by officers within three days on foot to the polling stations (TPS).

"There are three polling stations in the two villages that are farthest away and cannot be passed by vehicles so that KPU officers escorted by the TNI-Polri have to walk along the Meratus Mountains," said Kapolsek Batang Alai Selatan (BAS) Ipda Erikson, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 7.

The delegation carrying the pilkada logistics was symbolically released at the Batang Alai Timur District Office, then started a long journey through the hills to several rivers on foot.

Erikson said the pilkada logistics consisted of ballot papers and ballot boxes as well as voting tools wrapped in plastic to prevent damage. KPU officers assisted by the local community carried him in his arms.

The group will rest and stay in the middle of the forest at night and continue the journey in the morning until they arrive at the location of three TPS, namely one TPS in Juhu Village and two TPS in Aing Bantai Village, Batang Alai Timur District.

"Please pray for the public so that all those involved in the long journey of carrying the logistics for this election will be given strength and health so that they can carry out the country's duties to make this year's elections a success," said Erikson.

Pilkada logistics distribution trip in South Kalimantan (ANTARA)

The head of KPUD Hulu Sungai Tengah Johransyah revealed that the number of voters at the TPS Juhu Village was 42 people. Meanwhile, the two polling stations in Aing Bantai Village are 72 voters and 127 voters, respectively.

"We deliberately prioritize the distribution of pilkada logistics at the furthest polling stations because it takes days. Unlike in cities, logistics are distributed one day before the voting on December 9, 2020," he explained.

Meanwhile, the Head of South Kalimantan Regional Police, Inspector General Rikwanto, motivated his members to be able to carry out their duties full of enthusiasm and sincerity even though they had to go through tough terrain in the Meratus Mountains to oversee the distribution of pilkada logistics.

"This is the state's duty that we must carry out regardless of the challenges and risks for the success of the regional elections. Salute to the members who have worked optimally with full responsibility," said Rikwanto.

Currently, the pilkada stage has entered a three-day calm period from 6 to 8 December 2020.

Pilkada in South Kalimantan was held in 7 districts and cities as well as elections for governors and deputy governors of South Kalimantan. The regions holding regional elections are Banjarmasin City, Banjarbaru City, Banjar Regency, Tanah Bumbu Regency, Kotabaru Regency, Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency and Balangan Regency.

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