JAKARTA - The Indo Barometer survey institute released the results of their survey entitled The Portrait of the Fate of the Political Dynasty in the 2020 Pilkada. The results of the electability survey for the candidate pair for mayor and vice mayor of Surakarta Gibran Rakabuming Raka-Teguh Prakosa were far superior to their individual or independent challenger Bagyo Wahyono-FX Supardjo. (Bajo).

"Gibran Rakabuming Raka-Teguh Prakosa has the opportunity to make a smooth move in the Surakarta elections on December 9," said Indo Barometer Executive Director M Qudori in a written statement to reporters on Monday, December 7.

The survey used a multistage random sampling method with data collection techniques in the form of face-to-face interviews on November 20-25. The survey involved 400 respondents with a margin of error of approximately 4.9 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.

From the results of the Indo Barometer survey, Gibran-Teguh's electability reached 67.8 percent. While his opponent, Bajo, only has an electability of 4.0 percent.

"From head to head, the pair of candidates for mayor and deputy mayor of the pair Gibran Rakabuming Raka-Teguh Prakosa is far superior to the Bagyo Wahyono-FX Supardjo pair who was only chosen 4 percent. Meanwhile, those who will not vote, secret, and decide not to know, do not answer. 28.3 percent, "he said.

Qudoroi explained that Gibran was consistently superior to his political opponents. In addition, the level of satisfaction when the father led the city of Solo was also one of the community booster for choosing himself and his partner in the upcoming election.

"Gibran Rakabuming Raka consistently excels in various influencing variables in the regional elections as recorded in the survey, namely recognition level, level of preference, personality assessment, ability assessment, reasons for choosing, and satisfaction with Jokowi when he was mayor of Surakarta and satisfaction when Jokowi served as President. RI, "he explained.

However, this survey also portrays a negative view that makes Gibran not accepted as a candidate for solo mayor, such as being considered inexperienced, too young, considered to be a representative first, and called aji mumpung.

However, this will not be a hindrance because Gibran benefits from the political situation in Solo, where the PDI Perjuangan, which is his original party, is superior and dominant in this region.

"Gibran Rakabuming Raka benefits from three political backgrounds in the city of Surakarta where the PDIP is very dominant in the 2014 and 2019 legislative elections. In addition, the PDIP gubernatorial candidate won the 2013 and 2016 Central Java Governor Election as well as the PDIP presidential candidate who is Gibran's biological father. also won a landslide victory in the 2014 and 2019 presidential elections, "he said.

It is known that President Jokowi's eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, ran in the Solo Mayor Election with his running mate, Teguh Prakosa and against independent candidate Bagyo Wahyono-FX Supardjo (Bajo).

Gibran was carried by the PDI Perjuangan which has 30 seats in the Solo DPRD along with a number of other parties, namely Gerindra, PAN, Golkar, and PSI. Meanwhile, the Bajo couple brought 38,831 support from Solo residents.

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