JAKARTA - The Head of Metro Jaya Police, Inspector General Fadil Imran said that the perpetrators of the attack on his members on the Jakarta-Cikampek KM 50 toll road were a group that supported Rizieq Shihab. This special army is the party that always obstructs the process of investigating cases of suspected violations of the health protocol (prokes).

"So from the results of the initial investigation the group was identified as a special laskar which had been blocking the investigation process," Fadil told reporters, Monday, December 7.

Fadil said that the attack on its members began with an investigation into the circulation of information on social media regarding the mobilization of the masses to the Polda Metro Jaya. They are said to be escorting Rizieq Shihab during the examination process which is scheduled for Monday 7 December at 10.00 WIB.

But while in the process of being investigated, the member who was following the two vehicles suspected of being Rizieq's followers was suddenly attacked.

The attack took place on the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road. The member's car was intercepted and shot by the Special Forces.

"Conducted attacks by pointing firearms and sharp weapons in the form of samurai and sickles at members," said the former East Java Police Chief.

Feeling threatened for their safety, the members then returned their fire. Until finally six Special Troops died on the spot. While the rest managed to escape.

"The other four fled," said Fadil.

Ask Rizieq Shihab to Fulfill the Examination Call

Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran took Rizieq Shihab's ultimatum to follow the legal process in investigating cases of suspected health protocol violations (prokes). Investigators have sent two summons for examination.

"On this occasion we appeal to MRS to comply with the law by fulfilling the investigators' summons for examination," said Inspector General Fadil.

Inspector General Fadil said that if Rizieq was not present at this second summons, his party would forcefully pick him up. The Criminal Procedure Code stipulates that if a person fails to fulfill the summons for questioning twice, the police have the right to forcefully pick him up.

"If the MRS brothers do not fulfill our summons, the investigating team will take further law enforcement steps in accordance with applicable legal provisions," he explained.

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