JAKARTA - The Petamburan area, Central Jakarta, has begun to be crowded with crowds. It follows the death of six special Laskar of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) who supported Muhammad Rizieq Shihab last night on the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road.

Based on VOI's monitoring at the location, the traffic on Jalan KS Tubun, Petamburan, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, was busy and had many vehicles.

Then, at the end of Jalan Petamburan III or Gang Paksi, which is the road to Rizieq Shihab's residence, dozens of masses were gathering. Discussing something while monitoring the surroundings.

Until around 14.00 WIB, there were no police officers. Either on Jalan KS Tubun or Jalan Petamburan III.

For information, six Special Troops of Rizieq Shihab were shot dead by the police for attacking police officers.

Kapolda Metro Jaya, Inspector General Fadil Imran, said that 10 people from the Special Troops attacked police officers on the Jakarta-Cikampek KM 50 toll road. Six people were shot dead, while 4 others fled.

However, Fadil did not explain in detail how the four special Laskar Rizieq Shihab managed to escape. He only said that no police officer was injured.

"A police vehicle was damaged due to being jammed and shot," said Fadil.

Fadil said that the firm action against the six Special Forces began with a police investigation regarding the schedule for examining Rizieq Shihab. The police received information that there would be a mass mobilization.

But when members of the Polda Metro Jaya followed the Special Laskar vehicle, precisely on the Jakarta-Cikampek KM 50 toll road, they suddenly came under attack.

"When PMJ members followed vehicles of alleged MRS followers, the officers' vehicles were intercepted and then attacked using firearms and sharp weapons," said Fadil.

However, FPI disclosed a different statement. FPI Legal Aid Secretary, Aziz Yanuar, said that unknown people kidnapped those six people while escorting Rizieq Shihab's family group.

"There was indeed an ambush incident. The shooting of the IB HRS group and their families, and the kidnapping of 6 soldiers of the IB's guard," said Aziz in his statement.

Aziz said the shooting and kidnapping incident took place near the East Karawang toll gate. At that time, Rizieq and his family were on their way to the recitation place. But suddenly, unknown people stopped them.

Those people, who were in charge of the operation, intercepted and fired shots at the family guard troops," he said.

The group of unknown people opened fire on Rizieq Shihab's car. They even kidnapped six Special Troops. Until now, their whereabouts are unknown.

"They opened fire, also 1 car containing 6 people is still missing," he said.

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