JAKARTA - Bareskrim Polri has named the West Sumatra Governor Candidate (Cagub) Mulyadi as a suspect in a case of alleged violations of the general election (election) by campaigning outside of schedule.

This case began when Mulyadi became a guest speaker at an event on one of the national television stations, on November 12. At that time, Mulyadi mentioned sentences containing campaigns.

In fact, at that time the campaign in the broadcast media had not yet been played. The alleged campaign against this schedule was reported by Mulyadi's competitor, Yogi Ramon Setiawan, to the Indonesian Bawaslu on November 17.

In this case, Mulyadi was suspected of being related to the crime of election, namely campaigning outside the schedule in accordance with Article 187 paragraph (1) of Law number 6 of 2020.

Mulyadi was officially named a suspect on Friday, December 4. With the suspect named, Mulyadi died from the candidacy.

Responding to this, the Democrat Party as the bearer of Mulyadi, believes that the people of West Sumatra can assess Mulyadi clearly and objectively. This is because he only attended invitations to coffee break programs on private television.

Secretary of the DPP Democrat Election Winning Agency (Bappilu) Kamhar Lakumani emphasized that Mulyadi was not the initiator of the event.

"Because this program has been on TV One for a long time. Paslon certainly only responds to questions from the host of the event. If there is a normative statement as a response that is in line with the candidate's vision, it is humane, ”said Kamhar.

So, if Mulyadi was dragged into allegations of campaign violations, Kamhar suspects that the legal handling contains political elements. In fact, Kamhar accused this reporter of being a way to defeat the Democratic candidate for Governor of West Sumatra.

"The public certainly knows that this is tendentious and driven by competitors. For us, this is an affirmation that the survey results that place our candidate at the top are valid and correct, thus encouraging competitors to use all means to tackle," he said.

Denied by Bawaslu

Ratna Dewi Pettalolo, a member of the Indonesian Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), denied the Democrat's accusation. According to Dewi, Bawaslu has the authority to and follow up on reports of alleged election violations.

"In regulating the Election Law, Article 134 135 clearly (explains) that the supervisory authority is to handle violations. When there is a report from the public we have to carry out a process of handling violations," said Dewi to reporters, Sunday, December 6.

Dewi explained that in this case there were reports of alleged campaign violations outside the schedule. Then, the elements of the violation are fulfilled based on the evidence submitted by the reporter.

Thus, the Integrated Law Enforcement Center (Sentra Gakkumdu) consisting of the Bawaslu ranks, the police, and the prosecutor's office agreed to carry out an investigation.

Regarding Mulyadi's determination as a suspect at the same time as the voting approaching, Dewi admitted that it was a coincidence and was not arranged by the Gakkumdu Center.

"Why the determination of the suspect coincides with the time the election day will be held? In fact this is not a design time, but following the time when the report is submitted. So, there is no political interest in the process of handling violations related to the West Sumatra cagub cagub," explained Dewi.

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