One house was badly damaged by a landslide in Cibunar Village, Sukabumi, West Java (West Java), Sunday, October 23. Landslides hoarded the father and son of the occupants of the house.

"The two victims who were buried by the landslide were Yayan (47) and M. Fauzi (19). For Fauzi, he was declared missing at the time of the incident. However, after the joint SAR team arrived at the location assisted by local residents, they managed to save Yayan, Fauzi died," said the Sub-Coordinator of the Sukabumi Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Medi Abdul Hakim, Sunday, October 24.

Information gathered from the joint SAR team, the landslide disaster that occurred in RT 19, RW 05, Kadudampit District on Sunday at around 00.30 WIB, began with drizzling rain.

It is suspected that the cliff of the ground as high as seven meters behind the victim's house was getting unstable, until it finally collapsed because heavy rain fell on almost every day.

Initially, local residents were not aware of a landslide. However, after hearing repeated screams from Yayan, residents then woke up.

Residents who saw the victim's house being buried by the landslide immediately provided assistance with makeshift tools and contacted the Kadudampit District Disaster Management Officer (P2BK).

Yayan was rescued by the joint SAR team at 02.00 WIB with serious injuries and immediately rushed to Sekarwangi Cibadak Hospital, Sukabumi Regency.

Meanwhile, Fauzi's body was only found at around 07.30 WIB and died because his body was buried in the ground and the rubble of the house. Fauzi's body was then evacuated to Sekarwangi Hospital.

Yayan's wife survived the disaster because at the time of the incident she was staying at her sister's house.

Medi said that until now his party and other volunteers were still at the location to collect data on losses due to the disaster. Officers and local residents also helped clean up the rubble of the damaged house.

Yayan is still in intensive care of the Sekarwangi Hospital medical team, while Fauzi's body is still waiting for the family to pick him up.

Medi appealed to residents not to approach the disaster site because it was feared that there would be further landslides. Residents are also asked to always be vigilant because currently rainy conditions still have the potential to occur and can trigger other hydrometeorological disasters.

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