JAKARTA - The West Kotawaringin Resort Police, Central Kalimantan has increased the prevention of drug use by unscrupulous members within the local law enforcement institution.

"We continue to increase routine and tiered surveillance to maximize the Drug Dark Circulation and Abuse Prevention (P4GN) program. We also had a urine test yesterday for members of the National Police," said West Kotawaringin Police Chief AKBP Bayu Wicaksono in Pangkalan Bun, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

He said all members must be free from drug abuse so that the local police are clean from drugs.

He emphasized the joint commitment in carrying out wars against these illicit goods.

"If we find any of our members who dare to abuse drugs, of course we will take firm action, even a few days ago we have dishonorably dismissed one of the members of the Kobar Police (West Kolawingin) for this case," said Bayu.

One of the firm actions taken at the local police station, namely by carrying out dishonorable dismissal (PTDH) of Bripka NP who last served in the Supervision Section (Siwas) of the West Kowaringin Police because of the case.

"The person concerned committed a violation of the Police Professional Code of Ethics (KEPP), namely being involved in drug crimes. We emphasize for all members to avoid all violations, and protect each other's cohesiveness between members of the Police, TNI, and the community in positive terms," he said.

He explained that drug use in addition to damaging physical and mental health is also a trigger for crimes in society.

Drug abuse is carried out by individuals, he said, damaging the image of the Police so that it must be prevented and given strict sanctions for the perpetrators.

He hopes that the role of the community in eradicating drugs in "Bumi Marunting Batu Aji" is by reporting any drug abuse around their respective homes.

"Of course not only the Police, but all elements must play a role in eradicating this drug," he said.

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