JAKARTA - President Director of the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) of Southeast Sulawesi, Hasmudin, appealed to the entire community not to use drugs arbitrarily without a doctor's prescription.

"So there must be a doctor's prescription because the problem of mysterious acute kidney failure is mostly caused by these drugs, so there is a circular that there are some drugs that must be stopped, not used or used by doctors, especially in the form of sirop," he said in Kendari, quoted by Antara on Sunday.

His party has prepared hospital facilities and infrastructure related to the emergence of a mysterious acute kidney failure that attacks hundreds of children in Indonesia.

"Steps in accordance with a letter from the Ministry of Health, the Pharmacy Committee Team has issued a letter to all doctors not to use drugs that are prohibited ( sirop drugs, ed.)," he said.

The specialist in surgery at the Bahtumas Hospital appealed to the public not to buy drugs carelessly without a doctor's examination.

"I've been talking to pediatricians, since the circular letter came out that drugs for children are no longer sirop, but these puyers are composed tablets," he said.

In fact, he continued, pediatricians have monitored all patients admitted to Bahtumas Hospital with complaints of kidney failure.

"Because this will be reported to the Ministry of Health, regarding the emergence of a mysterious acute kidney disease that attacks children in Indonesia," he explained.

The temporary use of liquid or sirop preparations is prohibited. Drug providers are also prohibited from selling the type of sirop drug related to the emergence of a mysterious acute kidney failure disease that attacks hundreds of children in Indonesia.

The prohibition is based on a Circular (SE) of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) numbered SR.01.05/III/3461/2022 regarding the obligation to investigate epidemiology and report cases of acute atypical kidney disorders (Atypical Progressive Acute Kidney Injury) in children.

Previously, the Head of the Southeast Sulawesi Health Service, Putu Agustin Kusumawati, said that currently his party was sending blood samples of two cases of children dying suspected of acute kidney failure to be examined at the Ministry of Health laboratory.

"It has just been alleged that it has not been stated that it really is an atypical progressive acute kidney failure. Blood samples have been taken," he said.

The local Health Service also took samples of the drugs that had been consumed by the deceased children which were also sent to the Ministry of Health.

He said that two cases of suspected acute kidney failure in children were residents of Konawe Regency who had been treated at the Bahtermas Kendari Hospital and another child, from South Buton Regency, who had been treated at the Palagimata Hospital, Baubau City.

"The patient has indeed died from Konawe Regency and one from South Buton," he said.

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