MEDAN - Candidate for mayor of Medan serial number 1 Akhyar Nasution. call Medan City a strategic area of national economic growth. According to Akhyar, Medan City Government is very ready to accept investment.

"Synchronization between the center and the regions is very much needed. Many national activities are in Medan. The Medan city government has also prepared many things about investment readiness and the progress of Medan City. There are quite a number of central government activities in Medan, but there are still many that have not been implemented, ”said Akhyar Nasution in the Medan Pilkada debate broadcast on the Medan KPU Youtube, Saturday, December 5.

According to Akhyar, Medan City needs additional flyovers and underpasses, including at the Glugur intersection, the Aksara intersection and the Tanjung Sari intersection.

"This is in the framework of cooperation between the central and regional governments. We are preparing ourselves for future investment and the preparation of the equipment is going well, "said Akhyar who is also on leave from the position of Plt Mayor of Medan.

Meanwhile, the Akhyar pair, Salman Alfarisi, asked the central government to communicate when determining a development design program in Medan City. Salman did not want the residents of Medan to be harmed by a central government project that had not been communicated.

"The most important thing in the investment of the central government in the city of Medan is to communicate with the people of Medan so that their lives are not disturbed and communicate with the mission of Medan with Medan Maju Character. The spirit of the future city must be communicated before accepting the central design, "said Salman who is also a PKS politician.

Bobby Nasution Touches Against Damaged Roads

Meanwhile, candidate for Medan mayor number 2 Bobby Nasution questioned Akhyar's metropolitan city standards. He again mentioned the title of a metropolitan city with urban conditions such as floods and damaged roads.

"Has it entered a metropolitan city? As far as I know, it has good roads, flood-free, integrated transportation and guaranteed energy. That's what I know. What investment readiness can you do? Not only community communication but also felt by the community, ”asked Bobby.

Across there, Akhyar explained the criteria for a metropolitan city based on the Ministry of PUPR's reference. If the population in an area is more than 1 million, the city is categorized as a metropolitan.

"In terms of investment, Medan City Government is very ready. Currently, investment has grown beyond the national level investment. Towering buildings grow in the city of Medan, private investment is growing very well, indicating the city of Medan is friendly to investment. Medan people are very welcome to investment, ”said Akhyar, speaking about the progress of Medan City answering President Jokowi's son-in-law, Bobby.

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