The South Jakarta Metro Police are still investigating the collapse of the MtsN 19 wall, Pondok Labu, South Jakarta, which killed 3 students. The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Irwandy Idrus, said the case had been investigated.

"Yes (it has been investigated)," said Irwandy when contacted, Friday, October 21.

Irwandy explained that five witnesses had been examined in the case. One of them is the Principal of MtsN 19.

"Yesterday, three additional examinations were carried out, from the principal, there were teachers, and one OB. Previously there were two school guards, so the total was five," he said.

Previously, the National Police's Criminal Investigation Unit Forensic Laboratory Center Team (Puslabfor) conducted a crime scene (TKP) investigation of the collapse of the MTsN 19 wall on Saturday, October 8.

South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi said the crime scene was aimed at ascertaining the cause of the collapse of the school's barrier wall.

"The crime scene was carried out as a procedure in an incident that occurred. So if there is an incident, we will give the crime scene a police line," said Ade.

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