Governor Ganjar Pranowo said that employment in Central Java is getting bigger from year to year. This success cannot be separated from the entry of various investments into Central Java.

"Alhamdulillah, the efforts of friends in Central Java have paid off. The more years the absorption of the workforce is getting bigger thanks to the entry of investment into this province. But this is clearly not enough," said Ganjar in his statement, Thursday, October 20.

Based on data, the total workforce absorbed in Central Java in 2021 reached 216,473. This number increased when compared to 2020 by 170,036; in 20219 it was 114,743; and in 2018 it was 112,883.

Furthermore, Ganjar said that one of the biggest problems in this country is the large number of unemployed people who have implications for high poverty.

"Like it or not, the job should be added," he said.

Ganjar said that there are still many potentials in Indonesia that have not been explored and those that have been worked on can still be maximized.

"Of course, this investment flood must also be managed in order to continue to pay attention to the sustainability of our nature and the environment," said Ganjar.

"Thank you friends of the Central Java Provincial Government, as well as the regent and the mayor and staff who continue to work with a clean heart and enthusiasm to serve the residents," he said.

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