JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Nawawi Pomolango, said that the KPK Task Force found billions of rupiah in an arrest operation (OTT) that ensnared Banggai Laut Regent Wenny Bukamo on Thursday, December 3 yesterday.

"From the results of these arrests, it was found that a total of around Rp. 2 billion was packed in cardboard boxes," said Nawawi in a press conference broadcast on the KPK YouTube account, Friday, December 4.

Apart from that, the KPK also found several other pieces of evidence in the form of check heads, savings books, and a number of documents.

In this case, the KPK named six suspects consisting of three suspects who received bribes and three suspects who gave bribes.

There were also three suspects who received bribes, namely Banggai Laut Regent Wenny Bukamo; confidant of Regent Wenny Bukamo, namely the President Commissioner of PT Alfa Berdikari Group (ABG) Recky Suhartono Godiman (RSG); and Director of PT Raja Muda Indonesia (RMI) Hengky Thiono (HTO).

Meanwhile, the three people who gave the bribes were PT Bangun Bangkep Persada (BBP) Commissioner Hedy Thiono (HDO); Director of PT Antarnusa Karyatama (AKM) Djufri Katili (DK); and Director of PT Andronika Putra Delta Andreas Hongkiwirang (AHO).

In this case, Wenny as the district head allegedly ordered his confidant, Recky, to make an agreement with his partner who worked on several infrastructure projects, such as improving roads in Banggai Laut Regency.

Not only that, he is suspected of conditioning the project auction with the Head of Banggai Laut Regency Public Works Office, Basuki Mardiono.

"Through this auction conditioning several work packages at the PUPR Office are suspected of giving a sum of money from partners, including HDO, DK, and AHO to WB with a varying amount between Rp. 200 million to Rp. 500 million," said Nawawi.

After being named suspects, these suspects were then detained in detention centers for the first 20 days from December 4 to December 23.

Hedy Thiono was detained at the KPK Detention Center for the Red and White House, Djufri Katili was detained at the Guntur Regional Police Headquarters KPK, and Andreas Hongkiwirang was detained at the KPK C1 Detention Center.

"Meanwhile, WB (Wenny Bukamo), RSG (Recky Suhartono Godiman), and HTO (Hengky Thiono) were each entrusted with temporary detention at the Luwuk Police Prison and then left for independent isolation because there were indications of reactive COVID-19," concluded Nawawi.

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