JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Directorate General of Land Transportation is holding meetings with investors, from micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to large-scale private companies. To further offer business cooperation in six type A terminals in Indonesia.

"The central government must work together with local governments to continue to improve and fix terminal services so as to provide comfort and safety to transportation users. We want the type A terminal service to be as good as the airport, so we pay serious attention to this, "said Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi in a press release, Wednesday, December 1.

Where, according to him, private involvement can be carried out to further improve land transportation services. Apart from that, it is also in the effort to recover the National Economy, by giving special attention to the aspect of job creation and encouraging micro, small, medium and large enterprises.

As for the Minister of Transportation Budi, the six terminals are Type A Passenger Terminal Entrop in Jayapura, Anak Air in Padang, Guntur Melati in Garut, Bulupitu in Purwokerto, Mangkang in Semarang, and Tirtonadi in Solo.

Director General of Land Transportation Budi Setiyadi explained that through investor meeting activities, the Ministry of Transportation wants to encourage investors from BUMN, associations, private companies in the fields of construction, IT, building management, retail and hotels, MSMEs, PO buses, provincial governments, district / city governments, to invest in existing terminals under the management of the Directorate General of Land Transportation.

The forms of cooperation that can be cooperated are building hotels, malls, gyms, sports centers, culinary delights and so on in the terminal area.

"By carrying out the concept of the New Terminal New Experience, the presence of this modern terminal can create a new generation, so that it can support the national economic recovery," said Budi Setiyadi.

The Ministry of Transportation continues to strive to improve safety and security aspects and improve service quality through construction and among others the Revitalization of Passenger Terminals.

This is also in line with the development of the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) concept that is being pushed by the Government, namely an urban development concept that maximizes the number of residential spaces, business areas and entertainment venues with a short distance from public transportation access.

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