After being examined by the forensic team at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, the police found wounds of abuse on Ade Yunia Rizabani's body, a woman who was found wrapped in plastic on Jalan Inspeksi Kalimalang, Monday night, October 17.

As explained by the Head of Forensic Installation at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, Arif Wahyono, from the results of the examination of the victim's body, there were wounds on the neck and mouth.

"In the examination, we found that there was blunt force on the neck, in the face, and in the mouth," said Arif Wahyono in Jakarta, Tuesday.

Arif estimates that the victim had not died long before his body was found by residents on Jalan Inspeksi Kalimalang. However, Arif has not been able to conclude the cause of death of the victim.

He said the autopsy results in the form of visum et repertum had been submitted to the investigators who handled the case.

Furthermore, Arif said the autopsy process on Ade Yunia Rizabani's body had been completed. Today's body can be handed over to the family.

"The body is being carried out again for burial to be sent to Bandung. It looks like today the family immediately brought it," said Arif.

Previously, residents were shocked by the discovery of a woman's body wrapped in a plastic bag under the Becakayu Toll Road, Bekasi City, West Java, Monday night, October 17, at around 21.30 WIB.

The plastic wrapped body was first discovered by residents who wanted to replace the truck tires near the scene. Residents who suspect a plastic package containing human legs then report it to the RT and the police.

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