YOGYAKARTA - Talking about the tragedy of Kanjuruhan is indeed the deepest sorrow ever in the world of Indonesian football. According to you, what were the officers' weapons in the tragedy of Kanjuruhan?

Based on the results of a report from the Independent Fact Finding Joint Team (TGIPF) visiting the Malang Police to gather various information related to the tragedy at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Friday (7/10).

One of the TGIPF members, Major General (ret) Suwarno, said that his party wanted to complete the information obtained by the team in Surabaya the previous day.

"We collect everything so that our wishes will be completed from what we have obtained in Surabaya," said Suwarno at the Malang Police.

Suwarno admitted that his party had received information from the East Java Police Chief Inspector General Nico Afinta about the evidence found related to the Urban Tragedy.

"Some of the news related to CCTV, related to some of the evidence that we saw earlier, some of the destruction of four-wheeled vehicles yesterday was the effect of the Kanjuruhan incident, we have found everything here," he said.

Suwarno said that his party was also shown a tear gas launcher which was applied by personnel at the moment at the Kanjuruhan Stadium. "Then we also noticed that a weapon was used to throw tear gas. There were 11 earlier, 11 weapons," he said.

However, Suwarno has not been able to determine how many tear gas casings were fired at the time of the incident. He only denied the issue of expired tear gas casings.

"The information we received, what we need to inform further, is that there are bullets that are caps. So it's not a matter of expirationship or not, as in general bullets, live ammunition and even sometimes we get caps," said Suwarno.

The riots took place at the Kanjuruhan Stadium, Malang, East Java on Saturday (1/10) ending the match between Arema FC vs Persebaya. This tragedy left 131 people dead and hundreds injured.

From the results of police investigations, six people were named as suspects. They include the President Director of PT LIB Ahkmad Hadian Lukita, Chairman of Panpel Arema FC Abdul Haris, and Security Officer Suko Sutrisno.

They are subject to Article 359 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 360 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 130 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 52 of Law Number 11 of 2022 concerning Sport.

Then the other three suspects are the Head of Malang Police Ops Kompol Wahyu Setyo Pranoto, Kasat Samapta Malang Police AKP Bambang Sidik Achmadi, and the East Java Police Mobile Brigade Company Commander AKP Hasdarman. The three were charged with Article 359 of the Criminal Code and or Article 360 of the Criminal Code.

Then, as many as 20 personnel were also revealed as suspected violators of the code of ethics during security duties. In detail, six members of the Malang Police and 14 others are personnel in the East Java Police Satbrimob environment.

Victims of the Distribution Tragedy Don't Charge Hospitals

East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa asked the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) to follow the information that the victims of the tragedy of Kanjuruhan Malang were charged the end of receiving treatment at Saiful Anwar Hospital (RSSA).

"I think Komnas HAM can easily ask the families of the victims who are currently being treated. If they are not treated at the RSSA, I don't know. RSSA belongs to the East Java Provincial Government, everything is under my consolidation," said Khofifah, Monday, October 17.

Khofifah responded to Komnas HAM's report stating that the East Java Provincial Government had stopped financing the injured victims of the Kanjuruhan tragedy, Malang due to confusing data.

In the report, Komnas HAM commissioner Choirul Anam stated that he would trace the truth of the information.

Choirul Anam admitted that he regretted that the information he received was correct, considering that the number of injured victims was not small.

Governor Khofifah emphasized that all costs for victims of the Kanjuruhan tragedy being treated at the RSSA were borne by the East Java Provincial Government.

"I have coordinated with the Director of RSSA Malang, Dr. Kohar Hari Santoso. All victims of the Kanjuruhan tragedy, whether they are being hospitalized or about to control at RSSA Malang, will certainly not be charged or free," he said.

So after knowing what the officers' weapons were in the Kanjuruhan tragedy, watch other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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