JAKARTA - Hundreds of officers who supervised the simultaneous regional election polling stations on 9 December 2020 in North Maluku were declared reactive after undergoing a rapid test.

"All officers who underwent the rapid test were 117 reactive and 1,757 non-reactive, while 410 are still waiting for the results of the rapid test," said member of Bawaslu for North Sumatra Province, Aslan Hasan in Ternate, as reported by Antara, Friday, December 4.

Data from Bawaslu of North Maluku Province as of December 3, 2020, from 8 districts and cities that carried out the Pilkada there were 117 PTPS declared reactive after undergoing a rapid test.

Where, for the number of PTPS spread across 8 districts and cities in North Sumatra, which carried out the Pilkada, there were 2,405 TPS supervisors, while those who had rapid test were 2,284 people, and 121 had not yet carried out a rapid test.

Aslan Hasan explained, of the total number of PTPS, the most reactive results were women, where 70 PTPS were women while 47 PTPS were men.

Meanwhile, in the KPU ranks, as many as 21,654 Voting and Counting Organizing Groups (KPPS) including Linmas have also undergone a rigorous test from November 29 to December 5 tomorrow.

Meanwhile, KPU Commissioner for North Maluku, Safrina R Kamaruddin, when confirmed, said that based on data dated December 2, it was recorded that 9,544 polling station officers had been cleared. The rest is temporary.

Safrina admitted, if the results of the examination were on December 5 and some of them were declared reactive, it would be possible to make changes.

"We are still collecting data from the city districts, but we have yet to receive the results of the test results," said Safrina.

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