The joint SAR team again found one victim who had died from a landslide in Gang Barjo RT03/02 Kobon Jahe Village, Kebonkelapa Village. They were buried in their house due to the landslide and the rocks above collapsed.

Head of BPBD Bogor City Theofilo Patrocinio Freitas in the evacuation of the Jami Nurul Ikhlas Mosque, said the victim was found in the name of Iwan (24).

"One has been found, an ambulance has been taken to the hospital," said Theofilo, Friday, October 14, quoted from Antara.

The SAR team took a long time, because it could not use heavy equipment to the location area. Officers only use hoes and other manual tools to dig or lift victims.

Officers were instructed not to force the victim's body to be removed, but the soil and material beside his body was dug slowly so that there would be no broken or torn during the evacuation.

Iwan's body was found between two locations suspected to be the kitchen and room of his buried house. Both locations were detected after the sniffer dog was taken to the location on Thursday (13/10).

The search on Friday (14/10) was carried out starting at 8.00 WIB and the victim began to be seen after being excavated about 3-4 meters from the ground surface at 9.30 WIB. Iwan's body was successfully evacuated at 10.31 WIB.

Land landslides and rock cliffs with a length of about 20 meters and a height of 15 meters in Gang Barjo, RT03/RW13 Kebon Jahe Village, Kebonkelapa Village, Central Bogor District occurred on Wednesday (12/10) afternoon.

Previously, soil and rocks hit the Warsih family's house (57). There were four survivors on behalf of Zaenal (65), Ika (55), Nada (14) and Adel (16) on the day of the incident on Wednesday (12/10) afternoon until evening.

In the early hours of Thursday (13/10) at 2.29 WIB was found dead, so the remaining three victims were not found in the names of Warsih (57), Dini (54) and Iwan (24).

"Because Iwan has met, Dini and Warsih are still looking for," said Theofilo.

Pantauan di sekitar lokasi, air masih menggenangi gang sempit ke arah lokasi longsor sekitar 10 meter ke mushala tempat pengungsi pertama warga sekitar. Petugas kembali membawa ginger untuk menemukan dua korban lagi pada pukul 11.00 WIB.

"The location between the two. The sniffer dogs have again detected the smell. The search was carried out again after Friday prayers," he said.

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