CENTRAL LOMBOK - Prosecutor's investigators examined at least 20 witnesses in handling cases of alleged corruption in funds from the Regional Public Service Agency (BLUD) at the Praya Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Central Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. "They are from the general public and partners," said Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Central Lombok District Attorney Bratha Hariputra in Mataram, Antara, Thursday, October 13. In this series of investigations, Bratha ensured that witness examinations were still ongoing. Next week, he said, the agenda for the examination of the former Director of the Praya Hospital with the initials ML was also a suspect. "We will see later from the examination of the suspect ML. If he can prove his previous statement, there is a possibility that the examination will develop to other parties," he said. Likewise with the potential state loss of Rp1.88 billion as a result of the Central Lombok Inspectorate audit. The audit team assessed that the loss came from the management of BLUD funds that were not in accordance with the provisions of the regulations. One of the potential losses arises from the project to procure dry food and wet food. The value of the loss for the work is at least IDR 890 million. "So, indeed the losses arise from all project contracts, one of which is the procurement of dry and wet foods," he said. In this regard, Bratha assured that the 20 witnesses who have undergone the examination of these investigators do not include officials or law enforcement officers who are said to be ML suspects who also enjoy BLUD funds. "Yes, that's why it is possible that it will develop, both witnesses and potential state losses. It will all depend on the examination of the suspect ML," he said. In fact, if there is evidence of the involvement of other parties or officials in this corruption case, said Bratha, it is possible that there will be additional suspects. "Hopefully he (the ML suspect) can prove to us, not just'single'," he said. The suspect ML, when he was about to undergo detention by prosecutors along with two other suspects at the Praya Detention Center, Wednesday (24/8), issued a statement regarding the existence of law enforcement officers and officials in the regions who also enjoyed the flow of corruption funds from the management of the BLUD budget. Suspect ML admitted that he had obtained documentary evidence, such as receipts and notes of handing over money to them. The suspect ML promised to reveal the evidence in front of the prosecutor. In this case, investigators named ML together with the commitment-making official (PPK) of the Praya Hospital for the 2016 —2022 period, with the initials AS and the Treasurer of the Praya Hospital for the 2017 —2022 period with the initials BPA as suspects. As suspects, the three Praya Hospital officials were subject to Article 2 and/or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 jo. Article 12 letter e of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

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