JAKARTA - Ustadz Maaher At Thuwailibi was arrested by the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit today, Thursday, December 3. The news of Ustadz Maaher's arrest received harsh comments from actress Nikita Mirzani.
Nikita, as she was called, uploaded a screenshot of the news that Ustaz Maaher was arrested. He wrote, "Maher aka soni in the end you can't get BACOT anymore in the toilet, kwkwkwkw."
However, through the same upload, Nikita also confirmed that it was not her who reported Ustaz Maaher.
"That's someone else who reported you to be caught. My silence doesn't mean I'm tolled **. I haven't reported you yet. "
"Wait for my turn to report you so that you are rotten in prison," said Nikita further.
"Sir, if the article is not enough, I will add it later," Nikita concluded in the caption.
Ustaz Maaher was arrested this morning on suspicion of spreading hate speech against Habib Lutfi bin Yahya. He is suspected of spreading hateful information and violating Article 45a paragraph 2 and Article 28 paragraph 2 Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning ITE.
Previously, the feud between them started when Ustaz Maheer warned Nikita Mirzani not to insult Ustadz.
Ustadz Maheer challenged Nikita by saying she would bring 800 defense troops to surround Nikita's house.
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