JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santoso responded to the effects and dangers of using expired tear gas by the Police during a riot at the Kanjuruhan Malang Stadium, a few days ago.

According to Sugeng, this realm is not the authority of his party but a special team that has been formed.

"I do not know the effect of expired tear gas, because it must be investigated by Puslabfor and TGIPF," Sugeng told VOI, Thursday, October 13.

As is known, the number of victims who died as a result of the Kanjuruhan tragedy reached 132 people. The last recorded victim in the latest data, Helen Priscella, died from serious injuries.

"Gas puapan memang akan hanya membuat irusasi mata, belum terbukti gas temas mengakibatkan kematian," jelasnya.

In the Kanjuruhan case, continued Sugeng, the victim died of weakness and shortness of breath as a result of jostling at the door closed.

"Oxygen is reduced because the air is filled with tear gas and density of supporters," he said.

Previously, data on the number of injured people, namely 257 people, consisting of 532 minor injuries, 49 moderate injuries, and 26 seriously injured.

Meanwhile, the National Police named six suspects, namely three people from the private sector and three people from the National Police.

Three suspects from the civil element, namely LIB President Director Ahmad Hadian Lukita, Arema Malang Organizing Committee Chair Abdul Haris, and Security Officerward Suko Sutrisno. The three were suspected of violating the provisions of Article 359 and/or Article 360 and/or Article 103 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 52 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 11 of 2022 concerning Sports.

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