JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has been asked to apply the obstruction article of investigation in the corruption case of Papua Governor Lukas Enembe. Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) suspects that there are parties who are blocking the work of the anti-corruption commission.

"We ask the KPK to consider issuing an investigation warrant for the alleged obstruction of justice against the party trying to obstruct the legal process in the case of Lukas," ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana told reporters, Thursday, October 13.

Anyone who obstructs the investigation of the Lukas case is asked to be prosecuted. The law enforcement process should not be indiscriminate.

Not only that, ICW also urged the KPK to immediately pick up Lukas forcibly. Kurnia assessed that this step was right to prevent this alleged corruption from being resolved soon.

"Considering that this case continues to drag on, ICW urges the KPK to immediately arrest and detain Lukas' brother," he said.

Previously, the anti-corruption commission sniffed out that there were parties who influenced the witness in the Lukas Enembe case so that it did not fulfill the investigator's summons. They were asked to stop their actions.

"We also remind anyone that laws are prohibited from influencing every witness from being present to fulfill the summons of law enforcement," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri in a written statement, Friday, October 7.

"Because of course there are legal sanctions," he continued.

Ali reminded those summoned by investigators to cooperate. Their information is needed to make clear Lukas' actions.

"KPK urges all parties summoned as witnesses in this case to be cooperative in attending the next schedule," he said.

The KPK named Lukas Enembe as a suspect. However, the case that ensnared him has not been detailed.

He will actually be questioned on Monday, September 26 at the KPK's Red and White Building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta. However, this examination was failed because Lukas admitted he was sick and could not provide information.

Furthermore, the KPK will again carry out summons that have not been informed for sure. Lukas was asked to cooperate in fulfilling the investigator's summons because his statement was needed to make clear the allegations of corruption that occurred.

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