JAKARTA - Poverty alleviation and improving the quality of life of the people continue to be carried out by the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo. One of them is through a healthy, habitable housing assistance program (RSLH).

Like in Ngepanrejo Village, Bandongan, Magelang, as many as 28 residents received the assistance. In Ngepanrejo Village there are around 1400 families. The majority of them have a livelihood as farmer workers, bamboo collectors and charcoal craftsmen.

Daryati, a recipient of RSLH assistance in Ngepanrejo Village, said that her house used to only have woven bamboo walls that were already fragile. Even potholes here and there.

"Yes, the walls used to be like that (pointing to the woven walls of bamboo)," he said, Wednesday, October 12.

If it rains, he said, the roof of his house leaks. So, he must provide pans to accommodate water.

It leaks in all rooms. If it rains it's a hassle," he added.

However, after the house was renovated for the RSLH assistance program, this condition no longer happened.

Now the house has a wall of bricks and an esbes roof. So, it's not leaking anymore," he continued.

Likewise with Siti Amara, who is no longer worried that her house will collapse because her poles are fragile. This is because the assistance from the governor has changed the condition of the house to be stronger and better.

"In the past, the walls were wood and bamboo. Now it's bricks," he explained.

For Siti, her life is now calmer without the shadow of fear. The house that is inhabited with her husband and two children is safe and comfortable.

In the past it was all leaked when it rained, especially behind landslides. Now, now it's not leaking anymore and the house is sturdy. It feels good to get help," he explained.

Siti admitted that she had lived in the house for decades. She was unable to renovate her house, because her husband was just a construction worker.

Tidak mampu memperbaiki rumah karena tidak punya uang. suami hanya kuli bangunan. Alhamdulillah, senang sekarang bisa mendapat bantuan, ceritanya.

Meanwhile, the Head of Ngepanrejo Village, Nur Hakim said, his village is a poor village with around 1,400 families.

"In 2022, we will receive RTLH rehabilitation assistance from Mr. Ganjar, 28 houses," he said.

The assistance, according to him, can help his village to escape poverty bondage. And, at the same time improve the quality of life of the community.

That's to alleviate poverty and also improve the welfare of the community. Thank you," he said.

For now, the Central Java Provincial Government is optimistic that it can complete the repair of the Decent Healthy Home (RSLH), this year. Until December 2021, the repair of the RSLH in Central Java using APBD Bankeupemdes funds has reached 11,152 units or 98.76 percent of the total target of 11,292 units.

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