TANGERANG Complaints from a number of motorcyclists and cars related to potholes in the Ciputat Flyover made the South Tangerang City Government (Tangsel) initiative to repair the hole.

Indeed, the Ciputat Flyover road is a national road under the PUPUR Ministry, but on the basis of the many reports of accidents on the road, the South Tangerang City Government took the initiative to fix it. Moreover, the Ciputat Flyover is in the South Tangerang City Government area.

"It has been confirmed (improved) since last night, it is the national road owned by the Ministry of PUPR," said Benjamin in a short message, Tuesday, October 11.

Benjamin himself also heard a lot of reports that came in regarding the number of accidents on the Ciputat Flyover, especially since the cause was a large hole and a bumpy road. Therefore, to prevent an accident, his party repaired it.

"According to him, this step was taken in the form of an initiative from the South Tangerang City Government to avoid traffic accidents," he said

"Yes, our initiative is, indeed, as soon as we received the report that day it was immediately done at night. Why are the nights waiting quiet, right, it's finished," he added.

VOI journalists who pass by the Ciputat Flyover every night also feel that road contours are very risky, bumpy and many holes. Moreover, lately it often rains. So motor users have to be extra careful when crossing the Ciputat Flyover.

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