YOGYAKARTA - The Ferdy Sambo trial for the murder case against Brigadier J was led by three teams of judges. The South Jakarta District Court announced the three leaders of the trial on Monday (10/10).

The three panel of judges will preside over the trial of defendant Ferdy Sambo and several people involved in the premeditated murder and obstruction of justice case of Brigadier J's death.

The trial of Ferdy Sambo and the other defendants will certainly be held openly in the Oemar Seno Adji PN South Jakarta courtroom. Several monitors were also prepared by the court to broadcast the trial process.

List of Judges Leaders of the Ferdy Sambo Session and Other Defendants

Djuyamto, Public Relations of the South Jakarta District Court, revealed that the trial would present the defendants for premeditated murder, namely Ferdy Sambo, Putri Candrawati, Richard Elizer, Strong Ma'aruf, Bripka Ricky Rizal. Meanwhile, the defendants in the obstruction of justice case are Arif Rahman, Hendra Kurniawan, and Agus Nurpatria.

The team of judges leading the murder trial was chaired by Wahyu Iman with two members, namely Alimin Ribut Sujono and Morgan Simanjuntak. Meanwhile, the obstruction of justice trial was chaired by a panel of judges chaired by Ahmad Suhel consisting of Hendra Yuristiawan and Djuyamto.

For the trial of the obstruction fo justice case with the defendants Chuck Putranto, Baiquni, and Ivan, a team of judges will be chaired by Afrizal Hadi. This team consists of Ari Mualid and M Ramdes.

Here are some of the profiles of judges and pre-trials that have been handled.

Wahyu Iman Santosa became the chairman of the team at the Ferdy Sambo trial in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier J. The position currently held by Wahyu Iman is as Deputy Chair of the South Jakarta District Court. Previously he served as Chairman of the Class IA Denpasar District Court.

Wahyu Iman once led the trial of the South Jakarta District Court in one case, namely the pretrial proposed by Eltinus Omaleng, Mimika Regent. The trial handled a case of alleged corruption in the construction of a church in Mimika.

Alimin Ribut became a member of the panel of judges in the Ferdy Sambo trial. Alimin Ribut holds the position of Head of the Bantul District Court, before working at the South Jakarta District Court. Alimin is registered as the main middle coach at the South Jakarta District Court.

The case that has just been held by Alimin Ribut is a different religion marriage. Alimin once gave permission for married couples with different religions to obtain state administration records.

Morgan Simanjuntak is also a member of the panel of judges in this trial. Prior to his tenure at the South Jakarta District Court in 2021, he had worked at the Medan District Court. Morgan is a judge with the rank of primary supervisor.

Morgan once held a trial of the murder case at the Medan District Court. In May 2021, Morgan Simanjuntak had handled a pretrial hearing filed by RJ Lino against the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

That is the profile of the judge who presided over the Ferdy Sambo trial. Ferdy Sambo's trial schedule will be held on Monday, October 17, 2022. What is certain is that the trial will be relaxed in general, so that it can be watched by the public.

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