JAKARTA - The South Jakarta District Court (PN) has determined the composition of the panel of judges in the murder of Brigadier J or Brigadier Nopriiansyah Joshua Hutabara. It was stated that Deputy Chairperson of the South Jakarta District Court, Wahyu Iman Santosa, was the chairman of the Panel of Judges. This was confirmed by the Public Relations of the South Jakarta District Court, Djumiyanto, if the Deputy Chairperson of the South Jakarta District Court became the chairman of the panel of judges in the murder of Brigadier J and obstruction of justice. "The preparation of the Panel of Judges Ferdi Sambo, Richard Elizer, Putri Candrawati, Strong Makruf. The chairman of the Wahyuyu Council, Iman Santosa," said Djumiyanto in a short message, Monday, October 10.

"Meanwhile, the member judges are Morgan Simanjuntak and Alimin Ribut Sujono," he continued. Previously, it was reported that the District Attorney's Office (Kejari) handed over 11 former cases of the murder of Brigadier J at the South Jakarta District Court, Monday, October 10. "Today we received an overflow from the South Jakarta District Attorney's Office. What was submitted today is 5 files and 6 files are 11 files. 5 concerning articles 340 and 6 concerning obstruction of justice," said Haruno

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