MALUKU - The Central Maluku Regency Government has agreed to waive education costs for children victims of conflicts from the Kariuw State, the local district. "All the education costs for children who are victims of conflicts from Kariuw Country, Pulau Haruku District are the responsibility of the district government," said Acting Regent of Central Maluku Muhammat Marabessy, confirmed from Ambon, Antara, Monday, October 10. The Central Maluku Regency Government, he said, guarantees all the education costs for children who are victims of conflict, ranging from elementary, junior high, high school, and those who study further education at universities. Manasabessy admitted that he received a report from the Acting King of Kariuw Semuel Jori Radjawane that his residents, especially children, could not go to school well because they did not have the money after the conflict, their parents only worked odd jobs. Apart from not having educational costs, the Kariuw children had to walk more than eight kilometers to reach school in the Aboru Country. "So, after hearing the report of the Acting King, I immediately coordinated with the Head of the Education Office, and ordered that all the education costs of Kariuw's children who were victims of the conflict in September 2021 be handled immediately," he said. All tuition costs for elementary and college students from Kariuw Country are borne by the Central Maluku Regency Government. In principle, according to Larasabessy, children who are victims of conflict must receive the same adequate education as other citizens. "There is no discrimination for the residents of Kariuw. All children must receive a proper education and the district government is ready to bear their education costs," he said. Acting Head of Kariuw State Jori Radjawane confirmed that children who were victims of the conflict from the area had to walk about eight kilometers to arrive at school. "Children, especially those who attend junior high and high school, have to walk to get to school. They don't have the money to take a car or motorcycle taxi. When their tests are often late, because they have to walk," he said. Meanwhile, their elementary school teaching and learning process students are carried out in temporary shelter locations in Aboru Country. Jori admits that the education problems of Kariuw's children have been conveyed to the government for a long time, considering that most of the citizens do not have a steady income, because since taking refuge in the country of Aboru they have not been able to process their gardens anymore, so they work more odd jobs.

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