PONTIANAK - West Kalimantan Governor Sutarmidji reminded the public not to let their children drop out of school. This is because the government has guaranteed funding and uniforms for children.

"I remind parents not to let their children drop out of school, because the government provides free school assistance for education up to the high school level. Starting from school fees, clothes, hats, shoes, and others are free," said Sutarmidji in Pontianak, quoted from Between, Sunday, October 9th.

Education is the basis for the development of a region. Moreover, in today's increasingly advanced era, people must be more literate towards technological developments and digitalization to support business.

Sutarmidji added that his party also provides scholarships for outstanding students in West Kalimantan. This is done in an effort to eliminate reasons for children to drop out of school.

The West Kalimantan Provincial Government also continues to improve infrastructure, especially in the education sector. The infrastructure development is in an effort to make it easier for the community to get access to education.

In 2023, Sutarmidji targets the West Kalimantan Provincial Government to rebuild 15 to 20 new SMA and SMK in all districts/cities. "For this reason, the city district government is asked to be able to prepare the land to be built for SMA and SMK. So that the target for the construction of a new SMA SMK in West Kalimantan can be realized," he said.

According to Sutarmidji, building a new SMA/SMK can be done with a budget of Rp. 2 billion. The Rp2 billion budget can build up to six classes.

"From a budget standpoint, 15 to 20 new high school and vocational high schools can be achieved. It can come from the city district to prepare the land," he said.

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