JAKARTA - The leader of Hamas forces in Gaza, Palestine, Yehya Al-Sinwar was diagnosed positive for COVID-19. This was revealed directly by Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassem. He said Yehya had now been handled by the local health authorities.

"Yehya followed the advice of the health authorities and took precautions", said spokesman Hazem Qassem.

In this statement, Qassem did not reveal that Yehya was currently in self-quarantine. However, Qassem assured that the Hamas leadership was all right. "He is in good health and he is carrying out his duties as usual."

Previously, Yehya was the former head of Hamas security. Noted, he rose to leadership in 2017, aka six years after he was released in a prisoner exchange with Israel. Yehya was in an Israeli prison for nearly 20 years.

So far, Palestine has confirmed 91,464 cases of COVID-19 transmission. Among them, there were 767 cases died.

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