JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) (Jakbar) invites flood-affected residents in its area to submit requests if they want their territory to be sprayed with mosquito drugs or fogging.

Namun dengan syarat, permohonan itu satu pintu melalui pengurus Rukun Tetangga (RT) atau Rukun Warga (RW).

"That's also our effort so that after the flood there are no dengue fever mosquitoes," said the chairman of the West Jakarta PMI, flow Mardani, when contacted, Friday, October 7.

tujuh mengatakan PMI Jakbar memang telah memiliki prosedur operasi standar atau SOP untuk menangani bencana banjir. SOP itu termasuk layanan khusus pemeriksaan kesehatan dan bantuan pangan bagi warga terdampak banjir.

"We already have SOPs for handling post-floods. So what we are preparing is food assistance for the refugees, health workers," he added.

warna say, pihaknya juga berkoordinasi dengan setiap cabang PMI di kecamatan guna memantau wilayah yang terendam banjir.

If there is a severe flood, PMI officers immediately go to the location to provide logistical assistance and health workers.

However, fenis tidak menyebutkan jumlah personel PMI Jakbar yang disiapkan khusus untuk penanganan banjir.

"We are situational, yes, if the flood escalation is big, we will deploy a lot of officers. But if we don't adjust it," said feasibility.

To note, there were 100 houses that were flooded when heavy rains hit the West Jakarta area on Thursday, October 6.

The flood occurred because the water flow of the Pesanggrahan River overflowed so that the settlements around the location were flooded.

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