JAKARTA - The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) urges every school to have an operational standard procedure (SOP) for evacuation when a disaster occurs in an educational environment.

KPAI conveyed that it was responding to the collapse of the Tsanawiyah Negeri Madrasah (MTsN) parameter wall for 19 Pondok Labu, West Jakarta, after heavy rains fell on Thursday, October 6.

"National SOPs are needed in schools, especially schools near the river. In addition, schools are required to have evacuation routes when a disaster occurs," said KPAI Commissioner for Education, Retno Listyarti in a press statement, quoted from Antara, Friday, October 7.

For the condition of schools that were affected by the flood, Retno suggested that each school must evacuate students on the first floor to the second or third floors.

This is to avoid the potential of students to be dragged by flood currents until they are struck by lightning. "There can be lightning, dragged by water or hit by school walls like this incident," he added.

Retno also hopes that the procedure for evacuating students is owned by each school and trained to anticipate natural disasters in the future. The collapse of the MTsN 19 Jakarta guardrail caused three students to die on Thursday at around 14.50 WIB.

The collapsed school wall is thought to have been caused by heavy rains that triggered the overflow of water from the Pinang Kalijati connecting channel and the river flow behind the school.

In addition to the three victims who died, three other students were injured and had to receive treatment at the Prikasih Hospital, Jakarta.

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