JAKARTA - Rizky Billar denied the alleged throwing of a billiard ball at his wife, Lesti Kejora. This was conveyed by Rizky Billar's attorney, Surya Simbolon. Based on Rizky's confession, said Surya, the incident did not actually throw, but bullied Lesti Kejora.

"It wasn't thrown, but it wanted to be thrown like a bully, that was conveyed by Billar earlier," said Surya at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Thursday, October 6.

Meanwhile, Rizky Billar's attorney, Adek Erfil, said that the reporter who was slammed by his client was also not true. The reason is, at the time of the incident, Lesti intended to go to the bathroom of her house, but was interested so that she was slammed.

"When he wanted to go to the bathroom, Rizky chased him, he pulled him away. Disputed, it fell. And Lesti's report was also not slammed. But he was slammed. Lesti narik Billar, broke up. Billar parried, fell into the bathroom," he continued.

As is known, the dancer Lesti Kejora was injured as a result of domestic violence (KDRT) from her husband, Rizky Billar. The police confirmed that the wound was based on the results of the post-mortem, which is proof of the investigation into the alleged domestic violence.

"The results of this post-mortem have been crushing," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan when contacted, Thursday, October 6.

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