BANDA ACEH - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of North Aceh Regency said dozens of villages from three sub-districts in the district had been hit by floods due to rain since the last day.
Head of Prevention and Preparedness of BPBD North Aceh Regency, Mulyadi, said that the flood heights in the dozens of villages ranged from half to one meter.
"So far, we have recorded that 19 villages have been hit by floods. Residents of several villages affected by the flood have also evacuated", Mulyadi said as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, October 5.
The villages that were hit by the flood were in Lhoksukon Subdistrict as many as six villages, namely Meucat Village, Buloh Village LT, Meunasah Rayeuk, Meunasah Kumbang, Rawa, and Meunasah Manyang.
Matang Kuli District has 12 villages, namely Pante Pirak Village, Siren Village, Leubok Pirak Village, Mene Pirak Village, Tanjong Haji Muda Village, Beuringen Pirak Village, Ceubrek Pirak Village.
Next, Lawang Pirak Village, Alue Toe Village, Hagu Village, Punti Matang Kuli Village, and West Tumpok Village. And Pirak Timu District only has one village, namely Beurancan Rata Village.
"For Lhoksukon Sub-district, 2,661 residents or 663 families have evacuated. Meanwhile, the evacuees in Matang Kuli and Pirak Timu sub-districts are still being collected", said Mulyadi.
Currently, said Mulyadi, officers continue to collect data on flood victims and distribute aid during panic attacks as well as monitor the situation and condition of flood locations.
According to Mulyadi, the flood was not only caused by heavy rain but also caused by overflowing water from the Krueng (river) Keuruto and Krueng Pirak streams. The overflowing river water also inundated the community's agricultural land.
"In addition to submerging residential areas, the flood also submerged hundreds of hectares of rice fields. The flooded rice fields are also threatened with crop failure", said Mulyadi.
Mulyadi appealed to people living in the Krueng Keureto and Krueng Pirak watersheds to remain vigilant because the intensity of rain in mountainous areas in North Aceh Regency is still high.
"Rainfall has increased in recent days, the public is expected to remain vigilant. The BPBD team continues to monitor flood-prone areas and prepare for emergency response during floods", said Mulyadi.
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