JAKARTA - The Judicial Commission (KY) has tightened the selection process for candidates for Supreme Court justices and candidates for ad hoc Human Rights judges at the Supreme Court (MA) as an effort to prevent corruption by judges.

"The Judicial Commission will be even more stringent, especially in the selection of judges' track records," said Chief Justice of KY, Siti Nurdjanah, as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 4.

In addition, the Judicial Commission will continuously seek and receive input from all elements of society, including the mass media regarding the track records of candidates for Supreme Court justices.

This was conveyed by Siti in response to Supreme Court Justice Sudrajad Dimyati who was caught in a corruption case and had been named a suspect by the KPK some time ago.

Siti emphasized that the tightening of the selection does not mean that the selection process has not been strict. However, the selection process for Supreme Court Justices and ad hoc Human Rights judges at the MA in 2022 will be much more stringent following recent events.

Not only that, he explained, to expand the track record process, the agency will cooperate with various other agencies. The goal is to find out as much information as possible about the figure or profile of the judge to be selected.

"I urge the public to provide input, especially regarding candidates who have passed the administration," he said.

Regarding the material that will be prepared or tested by the selection committee for prospective judges, it certainly differs from one room to another, he said.

For information, KY has announced the names of candidates for Supreme Court justices who passed the administrative stage. For the criminal chamber, there were 43 people who were declared entitled to take part in the quality selection from 17 to 18 October 2022.

Then, nine people in the civil chamber, 22 people in the religious room, the state administration room, there were six candidates who passed, and finally the special state administration room for taxes, the selection committee announced eight candidates who passed the administration.

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