JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has asked law enforcement officials in Gorontalo to coordinate if it is difficult to deal with alleged riots. The KPK can carry out supervision as regulated in Law Number 19 of 2019.

"KPK can take over cases after going through a number of considerations and case titles," said KPK Deputy Chair Nawawi Pomolango in a written statement, Tuesday, October 4.

Nawawi emphasized that his party is ready to take over the investigation of corruption cases if other law enforcement officers have difficulty. There are three reasons the KPK can carry out supervision, one of which is that there are parties who intervene.

"The considerations are like protracted cases, no progress, getting the attention of the community, there are interventions, and large state losses," he said.

Not only that, the KPK can also facilitate the search for DPOs, physical examinations, asset tracking, expert giving of information, and other facilities needed. Nawawi said the cost of handling the case would be charged to the KPK.

"Hopefully with the supervision of the KPK, in the future the handling of corruption cases can run effectively in Gorontalo. Although this area has never been touched by OTT, there have been quite a number of corruption complaints to the KPK from Gorontalo," he said.

The number of corruption cases in Gorontalo has reached 86 reports since 2017-2022. The area with the most reports is the Gorontalo Provincial Government as many as 21, followed by the Bone Bolango Regency Government 20, North Gorontalo Regency Government 13, Gorontalo Regency Government 12, Gorontalo City Government 11, Boalemo Regency Government 6, and Pohuwato Regency Government 3.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Gorontalo High Prosecutor's Office, Haruna, expressed his appreciation to the KPK for supporting efforts to enforce the law on corruption in the Gorontalo Province. According to him, corruption is an extraordinary crime, which requires the synergy of all parties in disclosing their cases, including from the KPK.

"The existence of this synergy makes there is no competition between law enforcement officers, but mutual support, mutual input, exchanging information, so that anyone who carries out corruption management can succeed and be completed, both the perpetrators are tried and as many assets as possible are confiscated," said Haruna.

Haruna explained, in addition to taking action, her party is also trying to eradicate corruption by means of prevention. Both run simultaneously in the Gorontalo Region.

For example, we deal with corruption and then we find that corruption occurs due to mistakes or system shortages. So we provide input, so that the system that occurs corruption stops," said Haruna.

In this activity, a number of obstacles were revealed in handling corruption cases. Among other things, they must wait for the BPK/BPKP audit first to find out state losses.

Responding to these obstacles, the Director of Regional Coordination and Supervision IV KPK Elly Kusumastuti explained that the KPK could facilitate coordination with BPK/BPKP to calculate state financial losses so that they could run quickly.

Elly added that currently there are cases under the supervision of the KPK from Gorontalo due to constraints in calculating state financial losses. The case is the alleged corruption of the Social Assistance Fund (Bansos) for the 2011 and 2012 Fiscal Years in Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province, which is currently under investigation.

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