SOLO - The Municipal Government of Surakarta has temporarily closed Gede Solo Market. The closure was carried out following a number of traders who were exposed to COVID-19.

"Initially there were three confirmed positive for COVID-19, after tracing was carried out there were eight more. So in total there are eleven traders who have been confirmed as COVID-19," said Head of Surakarta City Trade Office Heru Sunardi in Solon. , 30 NOvembner.

Heru said that the closing of the eastern part of Pasar Gede will be carried out for seven days, starting from Tuesday, December 1 to Monday, December 7. During the closure, he appealed to all traders to carry out independent quarantine at their respective homes.

"From the task force to discuss and finally it was decided to carry out this closure so that there would be no spread. Traders were asked to carry out self-quarantine," he said.

Related to this, his party has also coordinated with the market association. For items that are easily damaged, he said, to be issued today until tonight.

"This afternoon, disinfectant spraying was carried out. During the closure we also carried out routines according to the SOP, including patrolling and spraying," Heru said.

In addition, patrols are also carried out to deter traders from moving around the market.

"We asked them to do quarantine, not selling in other places," continued Heru.

Meanwhile, Surakarta Mayor FX Hadi Rudyatmo said the market closure was aimed at breaking the chain of the spread of COVID-19.

"We'll sterilize it first, then we can open it again. This is a warning for traders and buyers, if you don't want to close it, wear a mask. Moreover, food sellers should use it," he said.

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