JAKARTA - The Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) continues to monitor the flow of funds allegedly related to conventional gambling transactions that want online gambling.

This is a response to various reports from the public who enter PPATK and to the police.

The head of PPATK, Ivan Yustiavandana, said that a number of the results of the analysis, both proactive and reactive, had been PPATK conveyed to the Police for follow-up.

"Especially for the period August to September 2022 PPATK has submitted the results of the analysis related to gambling to the Police, with details of 21 Proactive Analysis Results and 16 Reactive Analysis Results based on a request from the Police," said Ivan, in Jakarta, Sunday, October 2.

Ivan explained, during that period PPATK had also temporarily suspended transactions against 242 accounts because it was indicated that it had something to do with gambling activities.

Coordination continues to be carried out by PPATK with the Police to accelerate follow-up and disclose gambling activities in Indonesia.

"Responsively, PPATK coordination continues, and the investigation and investigation processes continue to be carried out by the Police," he said.

Since PPATK was established, said Ivan, gambling has been handled because it is a criminal act originating from Money Laundering.

"Since 2017 online gambling transactions have tended to increase every year with the total number of transactions analyzed at more than 155 trillion rupiah, and no less than 25 cases of online gambling have been submitted to law enforcement officials by PPATK from 2019 to 2022," Ivan explained.

Ivan acknowledged that online gambling activities in Indonesia are increasingly spreading in the community. Various modes to attract victims continue to be launched.

The development of increasingly sophisticated technology is one of the advantages used by the actors to develop their actions while keeping online gambling products away from being detected.

"In particular, online gambling has become rampant because of the large demand for gambling players in the community so that gambling providers continue to grow and easily change forms if their operations are detected by law enforcement," said Ivan.

Therefore, Ivan appealed to the entire community not to be tempted by various forms of online gambling, and to work together to provide important information related to online gambling through public complaints channels by law enforcement officers and complaints of PPATK money laundering.

" Valid information will accelerate a process of tracing the flow of funds. Therefore, it is important for the participation of the community to reveal all parties who are possible to be involved in the fertile growth of online gambling activities in Indonesia," he said.

According to Ivan, collaboration with various related parties is also the key to the success of eradicating and preventing online and conventional gambling, such as the involvement of the Ministry of Communication and Information in monitoring and stopping a number of Electronic Systems Implementation indicated by online gambling.

"The role of the community to remind each other or reprimand the closest people who are indicated to be online gambling players is also an effective way to prevent online gambling addiction behavior," he said.

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