SEMARANG - The KPK team is still busy holding a hand arrest operation (OTT). That is proof that this country still has to continue to improve the corruption prevention system.

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said that the recent OTT cases have proven that corruption can occur anywhere. And that is a reminder to the executive and legislature at the provincial and district/city levels.

"It's not enough in lip service, the evidence is given (reminded) too, then OTT occurs everywhere. In this context, this morning's meeting is important so that friends from the DPRD with executives at the district/city level can properly collaborate, especially in building systems that prevent corruption," said Ganjar after attending the Integrated Corruption Eradication Coordination Meeting which was attended by all regents/mayors in Central Java, DPRD, as well as representatives from the KPK and Central Java BPKP at the Gradhika Bhakti Praja Building, Tuesday 27 September.

During the event, Ganjar told several corruption cases that recently occurred. Starting from cutting direct cash aid funds (BLT) in Blora Regency, OTT officials such as the incident in Pemalang some time ago, and OTT involving Supreme Court judges at the Supreme Court.

"I told you openly earlier, today there are many and crowded, for example the incident in Blora about BLT cuts. People may see it very small but in terms of behavior it is not true. Second, I also conveyed how the incident recently with OTT happened and it can happen anywhere, then I withdrew again from the incident in Pemalang. Today I am happy because the Regent/Mayor, provincial government, then there were all DPRDs participating for us to be able to improve this system, how to prevent corruption," he explained.

Ganjar provides an illustration of the relationship and improvement of the system that can be done jointly between the executive and the legislature. For example, regarding the ratification of the APBD, there should be no collusion. What is the aspiration of the people must be included in the system openly and properly.

Because mitigation of corruption can be started from the openness of the ratification of the APBD by building an agreement on important terms and throwing away non-essential conditions.

"The mitigation of corruption is there, how to make a good deal with conditions such as for poor areas to be helped, the potential for stunting must be resolved, food politics in the midst of a global climate change situation continues to increase then prices increase due to external conditions that must be improved, direct the APBD there. That's all," he said.

He hopes that in the ratification of the APBD, it will not become a bancakan project. Such indications must exist, such as the aspirations of the community with a nominal value of Rp. 200 million, which has high potential for corruption because it is through direct appointments. Ganjar asked the DPRD to control and supervise and do not let any parties be involved, both executive and legislative.

"I entrust it with my friends from the DPRD, please control it and we must not be involved, executive or legislative.

In the provincial government, for example, I ask the public to report it, give me the data, ready to play, ready to ask, definitely fire it," said Ganjar.

Regarding the practice of preventing corruption in districts/cities, Ganjar said there are several examples in other regions that can be imitated. Especially regarding innovations that encourage transparency and accountability. Then how to use the budget in emergency conditions.

"Hopefully later there will be a more detailed explanation, for example, in an emergency, we have to use the budget quickly, how to reduce inflation, how then we provide stock, how to in the current condition, which is changing, the budget can fit, so the musti regulations must be adjusted and BPKP assists," he said.

Ganjar hopes that the general picture provided by the KPK through the coordination meeting will create a good corruption prevention system. The KPK can also provide an overview of events or cases that currently still exist.

"It's not far away just buying and selling positions, asking for commissions, managing projects, investing and then asphalting, just defending that. So we collect this so that it doesn't happen. We will never get tired of reminding, if I are myself, then we all obey the community to build a nation without corruption," said Ganjar.

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