JAKARTA - PDIP assessed that the statement by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, regarding people outside Java not to force themselves to become president, was very less wise. In fact, senior PDIP politician Hendrawan Supratikno said Luhut's statement seemed tendentious. "A statement that is not wise and tendentious," said Hendrawan, Friday, September 23. According to Hendrawan, as a nation, the issue of the origin of ethnicity and territory should be abandoned. "The demographic and sociological fact that Pak Luhut is worried about must be our challenge in the political education and literacy program and the civility of democracy that we continue to build," said the member of Commission XI of the DPR. Previously, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan assessed that people from outside Java were unlikely to become president. He suggested that figures from outside Java should not have ambitions to become presidents. According to Luhut, figures outside Java should know themselves. He said, there are many other ways to serve the country other than being president. “ Do you have to be president, you can serve? You have to know yourself too, if you are not Javanese. This is anthropology talk. If you are not Javanese and the direct election today, you forget about it. We don't have to force ourselves, we are hurt, ” Luhut was quoted via the RGTV Channel Youtube account, Thursday, September 22.

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