JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko invites Polri-TNI school students to work to strengthen leadership integrity in their institutions. He called for this as a form of support for the transformation of the National Police-TNI into a responsive, adaptive and continuous institution in providing services to the community.

According to him, around 70 to 90 percent of this transformation process depends on the role of leaders. In front of around 120 students of the National Police Staff and Leadership School (Sespimti), 225 students of the Staff and Secondary Leadership School (Sespimmen), and about 500 invitations, Moeldoko called for the importance of loyalty to the state and the ability to hone leadership.

The essence of the institution rests with the leader. However, being a leader is not just legality, but must have legitimacy or acceptance by his subordinates. I hope that two or three students here, become the National Police Chief or the TNI Commander who leads with integrity and loyalty to the state," said Moeldoko, when he was a speaker at the 31st Sespimti Dikreg School Seminar and the 2022nd Police Dikreg Sespimmen, Wednesday, September 21.

The retired TNI member emphasized that a good leader was the one who gave his subordinates the opportunity. The reason is, the leader must grow his organization, including developing the capacity of its members.

There is no most effective leadership style. Most importantly, leaders must be oriented to environmental needs and the needs of subordinates/members relatively," said Moeldoko.

The Presidential Chief of Staff explained that what is meant by relative is the situation where the leader is able to analyze what is best for the institution and its members. One way is to listen to the aspirations of the members.

Leaders must always listen. Therefore, as a leader in the Presidential Staff Office, I initiated the KSP program. Hearing, the means that bring the community closer to conveying their aspirations to state leaders. Because leaders can only be loyal to the state and nation, not to other aspects," added Moeldoko.

Moeldoko also continues to encourage the TNI and Polri to become qualified institutions, especially in carrying out their roles as institutions that create national security and stability. In addition to increasing public trust in the TNI-Polri, according to Moeldoko, indirectly will invite investors to come to Indonesia and support domestic economic growth.

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