SUMBAR - Dirlantas Polda West Sumatra (West Sumatra) Kombes Pol Hilman Wijaya asked all traffic police personnel in West Sumatra not to look for traffic drivers' mistakes in order to impose fines. Mainly drivers of public transportation, both conventional and online.

"This is what I need to emphasize to personnel in the field so as not to look for mistakes made by motorists," said Hilman in Padang, West Sumatra, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, September 21.

He asked online transportation drivers not to be afraid of traffic police. But asked that they be made friends.

We ask motorcycle taxi drivers and public transportation to comply with traffic rules. Also, don't let them get a ticket," he added.

He said that if traffic police officers continued to look for community mistakes, it would make it difficult for them. Including increasing the burden of life after the increase in the price of fuel oil (BBM).

"We ask the officers not to fine the community immediately, but rather to reprimand them for mistakes that do not have the potential to cause accidents," he said.

According to him, if the violation has the potential to cause an accident, a ticket will be carried out so that they are deterred from committing violations.

He gave an example, if their documents are left behind such as a Driving Permit (SIM) or Motor Vehicle Certificate (STNK). "This they really have and are left behind while driving," he added.

He said there were nine violations that could potentially cause accidents such as drivers using mobile phones, underage drivers, riding more than one person.

Then not wearing an SNI helmet, the driver under the influence of alcohol, against traffic flow, not wearing a seat belt, driving recklessly and over-dimensionally and overloading.

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