SURABAYA - Political conditions in Surabaya are getting hotter ahead of the regional elections on December 9. Now the hashtag #BelaBuRisma has appeared on Twitter.

#BelaBuRisma became crowded after a viral video of a song that cornered Risma was sung by supporters of Candidates for mayor and deputy mayor of Surabaya Machfud Arifin and Mujiaman received a response from netizens. Almost 4,000 tweets in defense of Risma were recorded on Twitter.

Warganet was quoted from Antara, Friday, November 27 in droves of support for the first female mayor in the city of Surabaya. They are angry because so far they think Risma has succeeded in advancing the City of Heroes. They poured their support on the Twitter timeline until they finally became a trending topic.

Support also comes from @Achmad_Bagus_Z. He said, 7 years of living in Surabaya, the development of the City of Surabaya was felt thanks to the performance of Risma and the people of Surabaya. Now Surabaya is a clean and modern city.

"You talk opo sack (it's up to you to say what), I still #BelaBuRisma," said @Achmad_Bagus_Z in his tweet.

Previously, the 19-second viral video contained a play on the chorus of the song "Menanam Corn" created by Mrs. Sud. The chorus was changed with provocative tone lyrics.

"Destroy, destroy, destroy Risma, destroy Risma right now. Destroy, destroy, destroy Risma, destroy Risma right now," said Machfud supporters Arifin-Mujiaman, pointing two fingers upward and some wearing colorful Machfud-Mujiaman shirts.

In addition, behind the supporters there was a large banner reading "Supporting Gathering" with a photo of Machfud and Mujiaman.

Apart from social media, various WhatsApp groups in Surabaya are also busy with posters reading "Bela Bu Risma, Save Surabaya". Residents are busy putting up the poster on their WhatsApp profile photo.

Previously, the Head of the Surabaya Urban Village Community Empowerment Forum (Forkom LPMK) Unsi Fauzi regretted the provocative campaign that cornered the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini.

"What is clear, I am very sad and disappointed there is such a provocative campaign," he said.

According to him, these provocative chants should not have happened if all parties wanted the Surabaya Pilkada to be peaceful, safe and enjoyable.

The Surabaya Pilkada was followed by two candidate pairs, namely candidate number 1 Eri Cahyadi-Armudji who was carried by the PDIP and candidate pair number 2 Machfud Arifin-Mujiaman.

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