YOGYAKARTA - Often hears the death penalty and life imprisonment? So what is the difference between the death penalty and life imprisonment, let's discuss it.

Some interpret life imprisonment as a sanction according to the age of the convict when he was sentenced. His mother, convict A, who was then 20 years old, was sentenced to life imprisonment. A then served a prison sentence of 20 years.

Quoted from the legal website of the Riau Police, Wednesday (16/2/2022), life imprisonment cannot be interpreted as a proper criminal sanction with a convict's age. It is also evaluated in violation of the provisions of Article 12 paragraph (4) of the Criminal Code.

For example, if the 35-year-old convict B is sentenced to life imprisonment, then he will serve a sentence of 35 years. Although, in accordance with Article 12 paragraph (4) of the Criminal Code, imprisonment for a certain period cannot be more than twenty years.

Another illustration is that, for example, C gets a life sentence at the age of 18 years, then it is termed that he should have served a prison sentence of 18 years, the interpretation will lead to neglect.

Because, in accordance with the provisions of Article 12 paragraph (4) of the Criminal Code, judges may immediately sentence them to 18 years in prison without the need to sentence them to life imprisonment.

Therefore, usually life imprisonment is almost always made with the option or substitution of the death penalty. For this reason, it can be concluded that what is meant by a life sentence, namely imprisonment for the convict is still alive until death.

Then, what is a life sentence?

According to several sources, life imprisonment is one of the various criminal penalties controlled by the Criminal Code (Web the Criminal Law). According to Article 12 paragraph (1), imprisonment is divided into life imprisonment and imprisonment for a certain time.

The article reads:

Death penalty

The death penalty is not a new form of sanction in Indonesia. The death penalty has been known since the royal era in Indonesia.

The death penalty is the sanction or verdict handed down by the court or without a court as a form of the heaviest sanction for someone with the impact of his actions.

The basis of the law

Initially, it was carried out according to the provisions in Article 11 of the Criminal Code or the Criminal Code which stated that "the death penalty was carried out by the executioner for hanging by tying the neck with a snare on the hanging pole and dropping the board from under his feet".

This article was later changed and explained in Law or Law Number 2/PNPS/1964. The death penalty was imposed on civilians and carried out by shooting dead.

In Article 10 of the Criminal Code, the death penalty is classified as one of the main crimes. Crimes that are threatened with the death penalty in the Criminal Code include:

Except for that, some of the articles in Law Number 35 of 2009 regarding narcotics also control the death penalty. Article 118 and Article 121 paragraph 2 tell that the threat of optimal sanctions for violators is a death penalty.

The death penalty also applies to perpetrators of criminal acts of corruption. As limited in Article 2 paragraph 2 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning criminal acts of corruption.

Dead sanctions

The death penalty is a form of sanction or a verdict handed down by the court as a form of the heaviest sanction imposed on someone as a result of his actions.

Sanctions for life

Although life imprisonment is a form of punishment imposed by the court against someone by imprisoning him for the rest of his life.

death penalty

The death penalty is a form of punishment or verdict handed down by the court as the heaviest form of punishment imposed on someone as a result of his actions.

Life sentence

While life imprisonment is a form of punishment that the court imposes on someone by imprisoning him for the rest of his life.

So that's the difference in the death penalty and life imprisonment, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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