JAKARTA - The Indonesian press world mourns. The press organization of the Indonesian Cyber Media Union (SMSI) condolences for the passing of the Chairman of the Press Council, scientists, and Muslim scholars Professor Dr Azyumardi Azra on Sunday, September 18, 2022 at 12.30 (local time) at Serdang Hospital, Selangor, Malaysia.

The deceased was born March 4, 1955 in Lubuk Alung, West Sumatra, leaving behind a wife Ipah Farihah and four children.

The news of the death of Prof. Azra was conveyed by Deputy Chairman of the Press Council M Agung Dharmajaya, Sunday, September 18.

"Regarding funerals, further funeral homes and information will be delivered later," Agung said in his explanation delivered via WhatsApp (WA) the Press Council's communication network.

"Hopefully the deceased will get a noble place with Allah and the family left behind will be given fortitude, amen," said Agung in a written statement received by Mohammad Nasir, Secretary General of SMSI.

Prof. Azra, who is also a professor at the State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta, died due to exposure to COVID-19.

He experienced coughing on the flight to Malaysia.

Arriving at Kuala Lumpur Airport, he was immediately rushed to Kedah Hospital, in Selangor, Malaysia. However, after being treated for two days, Prof. Azra died.

We, the ranks of the SMSI management throughout Indonesia, express our deepest condolences for the death of Prof. Azra. He is a good person, simple, smart, intelligent, broad knowledge, and cares about the life of the press in Indonesia," said Chairman of the Indonesian Cyber Media Union (SMSI) Firdaus.

On August 12, 2022, Firdaus together with several Central SMSI administrators visited the Press Council office to meet Prof. Azyumardi Azra.

"He talked about many things about the press, including how to quickly and efficiently verify media companies. We were impressed by him who also paid attention to us, SMSI," said Firdaus.

According to the record of the board of directors.or.id page, Azyumardi Azra, who is more familiarly called Prof. Azra, was elected as a member of the 2022-2025 Press Council from elements of community leaders.

He was later appointed as Chairman of the Press Council during this period. He began his higher education career at the Faculty of Tarbiyah IAIN Jakarta in 1982.

After obtaining a Fullbright scholarship, Prof. Azra won a Master of Art (MA) title at the Middle East Department of Language and Culture, Columbia University in 1988.

He also received a Columbia President Fellowship scholarship from the same campus, but this time Azyumardi moved to the Department of History, and earned his second MA title in 1989.

In 1992, he added Master of Philosophy (MPhil) titles from the Department of History, Columbia University in 1990, and Doctor of Philosophy Degree with a dissertation entitled "The Transmission of Islamic Reform to Indonesia: Network of Middle Eastern and Malay-Indonesian Ulam in the Seventh and Eightth Centers."

Back in Jakarta, in 1993 Azyumardi founded and became the Editor-in-Chief of Islamic Studies, an Indonesian journal for Islamic studies.

Previously, he had been a journalist for the Panji Masyarakat (1979 - 1985).

In 1994-1995, Prof. Azra visited the Southeast Asian Studies at the Oxford Center for Islamic Studies, Oxford University, England, while teaching as a lecturer at St. Anthony College.

This democracy and Islamic expert was also a guest professor at the University of the Philippines and University of Malaya, Malaysia, in 1997.

Prof. Azra is also a member of the Selection Committee of the Southeast Asian Regional Exchange Program (SEASREP) organized by the Toyota Foundation and the Japan Center, Tokyo, Japan between 1997 and 1999.

Since December 2006, he has served as Director of Pascasarjana UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. Previously, from 1998 to the end of 2006 were the Chancellor of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Lecturer of the Faculty of Adab and Faculty of Tarbiyah IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta (1992-now), Professor of History of the Faculty of Adab IAIN Jakarta, and Vice Chancellor IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta (1998).

Prof. Azra is the first Southeast Asian to be appointed as Professor Fellow at Melbourne University, Australia (2004-2009), and a member of the International Islamic University's Board of Persons (Board of Trustees) Islamabad Pakistan (2004 - 2009).

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