BOGOR - Acting Regent of Bogor Iwan Setiawan has declared an emergency response status for land shifts in Bojongkoneng Village, Babakanmadang, Bogor Regency, West Java today. "Today, I have signed the emergency response status. We have taken this step to maximize post-disaster handling," he said in Cibinong, quoted from Antara, Thursday, September 15. Iwan said that the disaster emergency response status through the Regent's Decree Number 360/19/Kep-TD/BPBD could be the basis for handling the impact caused by the land shift. "We need to determine the Bogor Regent's Decree regarding the determination of the emergency response status for land shifts in Bojongkeneng Village. This will be our legal umbrella to deal with this disaster," said Iwan. According to him, the land shift disaster which caused damage to a number of infrastructures in Bojongkoneng needs to be handled optimally, because it threatens safety and harms the community materially. Currently, the Rapid Response Team from the Bogor Regency BPBD has evacuated the affected and threatened residents. They were temporarily evacuated at the homes of relatives by coordinating by the village head and sub-district head. Furthermore, his party is also reviewing the impact and needs of residents at the disaster site. The Bogor Regency BPBD has also begun to distribute aid such as basic necessities, blankets and others. "We will also provide temporary shelter rent. If something is damaged, it will be repaired and the dangerous will be relocated. With this legal umbrella, we can use the BTT budget to help affected residents," said Iwan. Head of the Emergency and Logistics Division of the Bogor Regency BPBD, Aris Nurjatmiko, said that the shift in land that had occurred since Wednesday, September 14 at noon caused damage to at least 23 buildings and part of the road along one kilometer. He noted that 24 residents were displaced due to the shift in land that occurred in Bojongkoneng Village. "From this incident, 20 families were affected, then 177 families were threatened from two RWs with a total (residents) of 589 people," said Aris.

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