JAKARTA - Members of the Kodim 0309/Solok thwarted the delivery of a package of marijuana weighing approximately 5 kilograms which will be sent to Jakarta using the PO Palala Bus at the Bareh Solok Terminal, West Sumatra.

Babinsa Koramil 01/Kota Solok Serda Yesnedi Indra, di Solok, Sabtu, menjelaskan kronologis kejadian sekitar pukul 11.45 WIB. Bus Palala yang diumpainya ditop oleh dua orang identifikan di Simpang Umbilin/rel kereta api, Kecamatan X Koto Singkarak, Kabupaten Solok dengan menggunakan sepeda motor dan memberikan jasa pengiriran sebesar Rp100 ribu kepada pengendara.

They said the package contained food, the destination was Pondok Pinang, Jakarta.

"The package has been written according to the destination address, namely to Danil Bakri HP 082310682187 address Pondok Pinang, Jakarta," Yesnedi said, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

At 12.45 WIB, the Palalla bus plate number BA 7001 PU arrived at the Bareh Solok Terminal, Solok City with the identity of driver Wendri J (50) who lives at Simpang Hilia, Jorong Barang, Biaro Gadang, Ampek Angkek, Agam Regency.

After arriving at the Bareh Solok Terminal, the Palala Bus driver reported to the Palala Bus counter management, because he was suspicious of the package sent by the 2 drafts because the shipping costs were too large.

Feeling suspicious of the package, the management of the Palala Bus counter at Bareh Solok Terminal immediately contacted Babinsa Koramil 0309-01/Solok City Serda Yasnedi Indra NRP 31010032790481, the position of Babinsa Koramil 0309-01/Solok City.

Saat dimintai keterangan Serda Yesnedi Indra Babinsa Koramil 01/Kota Solok menjelaskan, dengan adanya laporan dari pengurus loket Bus Palala Terminal Bareh Solok, Serda Yesnedi Indra langsung menghubungi anggota Unit Intel Kodim 0309/Solok Serka Doni, Serda N. Barus dan Serda Asril.

After contacting members of the Kodim 0309/Solok Unit, Serda Yesnedi Indra then coordinated with members of the Solok City Police and the Solok City Police Narcotics Unit.

Furthermore, Serda Serda Yesnedi Indra explained, at around 12.45 WIB, the joint team of Kodim 0309/Solok with the Solok City Police immediately dispatched packages containing marijuana types for inspection.

The results of the joint team's examination showed that the package contained dried marijuana weighing approximately 5 kg, and evidence had been secured by the Solok City Police Narcotics Unit led by the Narcotics Head Iptu Riko Putra Wijaya, said Serda Yesnedi Indra.

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