JAKARTA - Residents of Marunda, Cilincing, North Jakarta, apparently could not breathe a sigh of relief even though the company's permit for the perpetrators of coal dust pollution had been lifted some time ago. Now, thick black dust is still polluting the area where they live.

One of the residents of Marunda, Cecep Supriadi, said that thick black dust had polluted the environment since last Saturday.

"It was Saturday that the dust entered from morning to noon. Until now, there is still a lot of dust," Cecep told reporters in North Jakarta, Monday, September 5.

Cecep said the dust settles to the floor and pollutes the settlement after previously blowing strong winds. "The dust is just as thick black as before. There are so many of these, because since yesterday the strong winds," he said.

In response to this, Public Relations of the DKI Jakarta Environmental Agency, Yogi Ikhwan, admitted that his party did not yet know the cause of the thick black dust that had returned to attack the residents of Marunda.

Therefore, the DKI LH Service is currently deploying officers to trace the source of the dust that has again polluted residential areas.

The DKI Provincial Government some time ago revoked the environmental permit of PT Karya Citra Nusantara (KCN) for being proven to have polluted and did not fulfill the administrative sanctions that had been imposed previously.

Initial estimates, the now polluted dust carried to residential areas were also driven by the wind. Considering that 90 days of emptying coal piles are being carried out by KCN.

"If KCN's operations are no longer operating as a port, but indeed there are still stock pile emptying activities (coal hoarding)," he added.

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