Four Harley-Davidson Driver Suspects Who Beaten Members Of The TNI Will Be Tried Immediately
The perpetrator of the attack on members of the TNI in Bukittinggi (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - Four members of the Harley Owner Group (HOG) Siliwangi Bandung Chapter Indonesia who are also suspects in the case of the beating of two TNI soldiers in Bukittinggi will soon be tried. This follows the investigation files of the four suspects, aka P21, by the prosecutor's office.

"Today the Bukittinggi Police has received a letter from the Bukittinggi District Prosecutor's Office with letter number: B-1662 / L.3 11 / Equ.1 / 11/2020 criminal case of the perpetrator with the initials MS (49), JA (26), RHS (48) , and TR (33), "said the Head of Public Relations of the West Sumatra Regional Police, Kombes Satake Bayu in Padang, as reported by Antara, Monday, November 24.

According to him, the results of the coordination between the Bukittinggi Police and the Bukittinggi Prosecutor's Office are suspects and evidence will be submitted on Thursday, November 26.

"A number of suspects and evidence will be submitted by the investigator to the prosecutor's office," he said.

Previously, the Bukittinggi District Police handed over a suspect in the same case with the initials BS (16) to the Bukittinggi District Prosecutor's Office.

He explained that the suspect was handed over to the Bukittinggi District Prosecutor's Office in accordance with P21 from the Bukittinggi District Prosecutor's Office.

The suspect is a minor and has been processed in accordance with the juvenile justice system.

He said that the implementation of the second phase showed the seriousness of the Bukittinggi Police in following up the case which was done properly and correctly.

He said the child suspect was suspected of Article 170 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) 1e Jo. 351 Jo. 55 Jo. UU no. 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System.

Meanwhile, the four suspects were adults under Article 170 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) 1e jo 351 Jo. 55 of the Criminal Code.

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