JAKARTA - Member of the PAN faction of the DKI DPRD, Lukmanul Hakim, proposed that DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan make free the cost of using public transportation in Jakarta for one month to respond to the increase in subsidized fuel prices.

"I ask Governor Anies Baswedan to ratify public transportation such as Transjakarta, MRT, LRT, Minitrans and Microtrans for one month as a response and a solution to the subsidized fuel price increase," said Lukmanul in his statement, Wednesday, September 7.

According to Lukmanul, this suggestion to reduce public transport rates can reduce the cost of spending on a daily basis.

Then, this is also considered to make people use public transportation for their mobility. Thus, the air pollution produced from private vehicles is also reduced.

Lukmanul also admitted that he was concerned about the central government's decision to reduce fuel subsidies, so that fuel prices rose. The decision will have an impact on rising prices of other necessities of life, as well as triggering inflation.

The increase in subsidized fuel prices must have direct impact and make the economy of Jakarta residents difficult. Moreover, the average Jakarta resident's mobility is quite high every day so that it can be assumed that his expenses will also increase after the increase in fuel," he said.

Therefore, this member of Commission C of the DKI DPRD also asked the DKI Provincial Government to function the food task force and work more in efforts to monitor basic food stability.

"Market operations must be routine and intensive to prevent price games. On the one hand, the government's classic homework must also be completed immediately, namely when the harvest season arrives, prices must be stable, cannot fall," he explained.

The government has officially decided to adjust the price of fuel oil (BBM) subsidies as of September 3, 2022. Pertalite prices increased by Rp2,350 per liter, diesel subsidies increased by Rp1,650, and Pertamax increased by Rp2,000. With details pertalite from Rp7,650 per liter to Rp10,000 per liter. Solar subsidy from Rp5,150 to Rp6,800 per liter per first non-sidized primary from Rp12,500 per liter to Rp14,500 per liter.

President Joko Widodo admitted that the government had tried its best to protect the people from the turmoil in world oil prices. The 2022 fuel and compensation budget has been increased three times from only Rp. 152.5 trillion to Rp. 502.4 trillion. In fact, the estimate will continue to increase.

However, if it continues to be added, the fuel subsidy will be even more swollen and less targeted. Currently, more than 70 percent of subsidies are actually enjoyed by the wealthy community, namely the owner of a private car.

This is the government's last choice. Diversion of fuel subsidies so that the prices of several types of fuel that have received subsidies have been adjusted. Some fuel subsidies will be diverted for more targeted assistance," said Jokowi.

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