JAKARTA - Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin asked the Indonesian SDGs Corporate Summit or ISCOS 2022 to be optimized to support the Indonesian G20 Presidency and the strategic agenda for achieving the Indonesian SDGs.

This was conveyed by the Vice President in his remarks online at the ISCOS 2022 event, which was initiated by the Corporate Forum for CSR Development, which aims to encourage the company's awareness and commitment in organizing social and environmental responsibilities, as well as socialize Presidential Regulation Number 59 of 2017 to achieve the 2030 SDGs target in Indonesia.

I want to emphasize several things. First, optimize the momentum of the ISCOS 2022 implementation to support the G20 Indonesia Presidency and the strategic agenda for achieving the Indonesian SDGs," said the Vice President in his remarks which were monitored online from Jakarta, Tuesday, September 6, quoted from Antara.

He asked the ISCOS 2022 participants to share knowledge, experience, good practices, partnerships, and innovations to realize an integrative and inclusive SDGs target.

Second, Ma'ruf Amin asked ISCOS activities to be a means of education and socialization, where all parties are actively voicing and making efforts to achieve the Indonesian SDGs target.

Third, he encourages the approach taken by corporations in CSR to achieve the SDGs to ensure holistic and refer to global standards.

According to him, CSR activities must be directed to encourage inclusive and environmentally friendly economic development efforts, as well as renewable energy practices in rural communities or communities.

Fourth, he asked for ideas and breakthroughs to overcome the need for financial support and a gap in SDGs financing which is quite large. This is because creative innovation of all parties is needed for funding instruments, collaboration in investment, and mobilization of funds from the APBN, the private sector, philanthropy, and the community.

He conveyed that ISCOS 2022 illustrates the importance of the contribution and collaboration of various parties in achieving the inseparable pillars of the SDGs.

Para pemangku kepentingan baik dari Pemerintah, dunia usaha, lembaga profesional, academia dan peneliti, maupun masyarakat harus berkolaborasi untuk target SDGs di Indonesia.

The Vice President appreciated the active role of the Corporate Forum for CSR Development as a corporate work network in developing social responsibility or CSR, as well as encouraging responsible and sustainable business leadership for the business world in Indonesia.

He also appreciated the corporations that have committed to the SDGs-based CSR program to help the government achieve development targets.

"By saying Bismillahirrahmannirrahiim, Indonesian SDGs Corporate Summit for 2022, I declare that it is officially opened," said the Vice President.

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