JAKARTA - The detention of the Millen Cyrus program in a special cell for male prisoners has been highlighted by the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (ICJR). The apparatus is deemed not to pay attention to Millen's special needs and security risks, which have a female gender expression.

According to ICJR researcher Maidina Rahmawati, the actions of the authorities to detain Millen in a male detention cell have the potential to lead to acts of harassment, violence, and the potential for other human rights violations.

"Holding M in the place of a man clearly poses a security risk to M, a risk of stigma, harassment and violence, the inevitable potential for human rights violations," Maidina said in a written statement to reporters quoted on Tuesday, November 24.

The ICJR also opposes the treatment of law enforcement officers, in this case the Tanjung Priok Port Police Drug Research Unit. According to Maidina, cases of possession of narcotics for personal consumption do not need detention or imprisonment intervention.

In addition, Millen should not have been detained immediately to prevent transmission of COVID-19 in the detention cell.

"Detention must be carried out in a limitative manner, cases of narcotics use for personal consumption must always be kept away from detention and imprisonment," he said.

Previously, the Tanjung Priok Port Police named Millen Cyrus as a suspect in possession of 0.36 grams of methamphetamine-type narcotics.

The Head of the Tanjung Priok Port Police, AKBP Ahrie Sonta said that Ashanty's nephew was named a suspect based on the results of urine tests that proved positive, as well as the discovery of narcotic evidence during the raid.

AKBP Ahrie Sonta stated that celebgram Millen Cyrus had used drugs several times since his return from Bali Province.

"According to the statement the suspect has used drugs several times, in Bali and in several other activities," said Ahrie during a press conference at the Police Headquarters, reported by Antara, Monday, November 23.

Through Millen Cyrus' Instagram social media period, he visited Bali from October to the first week of November 2020. The visit was seen and several photos of Millen's activities while in Bali were uploaded.

Millen was arrested with a JR man at a hotel in the Ancol area, North Jakarta on Sunday, November 22 in the early hours of the morning.

The police chief emphasized that after being named a suspect, Millen was detained in a male cell based on his identity card (KTP).

"Yes, on the male KTP," said Ahrie.

So far, Millen or Muhammad Millendaru Prakasa looks like a woman. In fact, on several occasions, Millen stated that he had undergone surgery or breast implants to resemble women.

Millen is charged with Article 127 Paragraph (1) letter a of Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics with a maximum threat of four years in prison.

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